Discovery of Regularities of Changes of Technological Orders in the Central Economic and Mathematics Institute of the Soviet Academy of Sciences
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Discovery of Regularities of Changes of Technological Orders in the Central Economic and Mathematics Institute of the Soviet Academy of Sciences
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Sergey Glazyev 
Occupation: academician
Affiliation: Russian Academy of Science
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

The article relates the history of the discovery of the periodic change of technological structures’ regularities in the Central Economics and Mathematics Institute of the Soviet Academy of Sciences. It tells about its theoretical prerequisites and scientists who worked in this field. The author offers a brief description of this regularity and points to its manifestations in dynamics of various economic indicators. Moreover, he demonstrates the conditionality of technological life cycles of the corresponding Kondratiev’s long waves, as well as of the periodically occurring structural crises and depressions in the world and national economies. Finally, the author explains the importance of this discovery for the formation of an optimal policy of the long-term economic development.

Technological structure, long waves, reproduction, technological set, economic development, economic growth, structural changes, Central Economics and Mathematics Institute of Academy of Sciences of the USSR, the cycle of capital accumulation
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