Editorial Board
Макаров В. Л.
Valery L. Makarov >>>
Chief Editor

Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Scientific Adviser of the Central Economics and Mathematics Institute
Graduate School of Public Administration Lomonosov Moscow State University

Central Economics and Mathematical Institute profile
Бахтизин А. Р.
Albert R. Bakhtizin >>>
Deputy Editor

Doctor in Economics
Director of the Central Economics and Mathematics Institute
Head of the Laboratory of agent-based modeling

Central Economics and Mathematical Institute profile
Dementiev Victor Evgenievich — Deputy editor-in-chief, Corresponding Member at RAS, Doctor of Science (Economics), Professor, Head of the Laboratory at the Central Economics and Mathematics Institute, RAS. 
Izmalkov Sergey Borisovich — Deputy editor-in-Chief, Ph.D. (Economics), Professor of Economics at the New Economic School. 
Shitova Irina Sergejevna — Staff Deputy editor-in-Chief. 
Afanasyev Anton Aleksandrovich — Doctor of Science (Economics), Leading scientific researcher at the Central Economics and Mathematics Institute, RAS. 
Afontsev Sergey Aleksandrovich — Corresponding Member at RAS, Doctor of Science (Economics), Head of department at Primakov National Research Institute of World Economy and International Relations, RAS. 
Egorov Georgy Vladimirovich — Ph.D. (Economics), Associate Professor, Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University, USA. 
Enikolopov Ruben Sergejevich — Ph.D. (Economics), Professor of Economics at the New Economic School. 
Gavrylets Yuri Nikolayevich — Doctor of Science (Economics), Professor, Head of the Laboratory at the Central Economics and Mathematics Institute, RAS. 
Grebennikov Valery Grigorievich — Doctor of Science (Economics), Deputy director at the Central Economics and Mathematics Institute, RAS. 
Gusev Andrey Aleksandrovich — Doctor of Science (Economics), Professor, Honored scientist of the Russian Federation, Head of Laboratory at the Institute of Market Problems, RAS. 
Kleiner Georgiy Borisovich — Corresponding member at RAS, Professor, Deputy director at Central Economics and Mathematics Institute, RAS. 
Kuboniwa Masaaki — Ph.D. (Economics), Professor, Hitotsubashi University, Tokyo. 
Kvint Vladimir Lvovich — Foreign Member of the RAS, Doctor of Science (Economics), Professor, Head of Chair of Financial strategy, Director at Center of strategic research at Moscow State University by M.V. Lomonosov. 
Liebman Alexandr Mikhailovich — Doctor of Science (Economics), Professor at Institute of Sociology at Social Sciences Faculty, University of Munich, Germany. 
Livshits Benjamin Naumovich — Doctor of Science (Economics), Professor, Honored scientist of the Russian Federation, Head of department at Institute of System Analysis, Federal Research Center of Informatics and Management, RAS. 
Polterovich Victor Mejerovich — Academician RAS, Head of the Laboratory at Central Economics and Mathematics Institute, RAS. 
Pomansky Alexei Borisovich — Doctor of Science (Economics), Professor, General director at Institute of Financial Studies. 
Savvateev Aleksey Vladimirovich — Doctor of Science (Physics and Mathematics), Candidate of Science (Economics), Leading scientific researcher at the Central Economics Mathematics Institute, RAS. 
Ustyuzhanina Elena Vladimirovna — Doctor of Science (Economics), Chief scientific Researcher at the Central Economics and Mathematics Institute, RAS. 
Volchkova Natalia Aleksandrovna — Candidate of Science (Economics), Professor at the New Economic School, Scientific researcher at the Central Economics and Mathematics Institute, RAS. 
Volkonskiy Viktor Aleksandrovich — Doctor of Science (Economics), Professor, Chief scientific researcher at Institute of Economic Forecasting, RAS. 
Zakharov Aleksey Vladimirovich — Candidate of Science (Economics), Associate professor, Economic department at National Research University – Higher school of Economics. 
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